

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Months 14 & 15!

I am sincerely sorry for being two months and three days late on the blog for all of you who keep up with it every month! Last month was during finals and then I think I forgot what day it was over Christmas break....... Anyways here we go!

Noah is so good at walking now that he basically runs everywhere

He even chases after the bubbles

He always wants to be outside, so he will stand by the door like this..

He had his first experience with cotton candy... and hated it! Weirdo

I only got a few pictures from Thanksgiving

Practicing "Say Cheese!"

Running again

He loves to give kisses with mouth wide open

He loved sitting in cousin Dylan's lap!

Still loves bath time! This is the face he makes when I'm about to take him out of the tub. I've gotten smacked with this yellow sand strainer in the face many times.

Will claw anyone who gets even remotely close to sitting/laying/touching his Elmo chair

He got his first real "boo boo" at school from falling outside on the playground

But we bought him a shopping cart and he forgot all about it 

Found out he's made a habit out of sleeping like this at school

But then at home he sleeps like this

He can now sit on the booster seat at his hair cut! 

More outside playtime

Loves to feel different textures

He's not really fond of the amount of clothes we put him in due to the cold weather

He helps bake cookies... and by that I mean eats them all so we don't have to

Took his first school picture

Tried to walk my aunts dog but I think it walked him instead

Has to touch everything 

He didn't know what to think about Christmas trees but he took all the ornaments off of this one and slung them across the house! 

He got a letter from Santa himself 

Soft smiles for Chrimmuh

Santa came to his school....... you can see how well that went. 

I actually made a Christmas card but I never printed them to send them out so I guess I will share it now.. Better late than never, right? 

(thanks to Shabby Princess Designs for the paper!)

Noah had his first Christmas party at school with his friends! 

He wasn't very good at wrapping presents

But he was good at making sure the boxes were stable

Matching Christmas PJ's with Ryder!


A little too friendly, Noah

He's starting to learn how to hug

Went to Celebration in the Oaks for the first time! 

Cuddling on the train ride

Loves cookies... but who doesn't?

Oo theres some on my finger 

I'll eat it

Loved by Paw Paw and Uncle Kaleb

Loves to be pushed around in this car

Santa set up the big toys for Noah on the night of Christmas Eve 

Just woke up, looking to see what Santa brought

Looking kind of confused and happy at the same time because I don't think he knew what was going on 


Happy Boy

Aunt Lynn!

He figured out that if he threw the ball the puppy would go and fetch it

Bites on the letters from his mat

New Years lunch after shopping

Checking his emails on the way home from school

Adventure yesterday with Aunt Steph

He looks like a 5 year old here

Happy 14 and 15 months, Noah! 

Love always,

Lauren & Noah